Health & Dental Insurance/Travel Insurance

Author: Webware Mock |

Term Insurance Gatineau
Term Insurance Gatineau

    Health & Dental Insurance provides a tax-free benefit reimbursement for medical expenses that provincial health care plans don’t cover.

    These include:

    • Prescription Drugs
    • Dental (minor and major)
    • Hospital
    • Vision
    • Paramedical Services (such as Chiropractor, Massage Therapist, etc)
    • Medical Equipment
    • Ambulance Services
    • And more
    • Different levels of coverage available
    • Guaranteed issue plans are available for those who have pre-existing conditions
    • Available for individuals, couple and families

    Health & Dental Insurance can be used in the following instances:

    • When Self-Employed and not eligible for group benefits
    • When no longer covered by group benefits because of retirement or job change
    • To supplement existing group benefit coverage
  • Travel Insurance

    Travel Insurance is offered to Canadians who travel abroad and to foreigners who visit Canada. It provides protection against unexpected costs that are incurred due to a Medical Emergency, whether it be minor such as a discomfort that requires a visit to a doctor or a more serious situation such as being hospitalized.

    Travel Insurance also offers protection for situations such as Cancellation or Trip Interruption, lost Baggage and Flight Accident.

    • Travel Insurance (single trip or annual plan)
    • Visitor to Canada Insurance
    • Super Visa Insurance
    • International Student Insurance

    Travel Insurance be used in the following instances:

    • Travel within Canada and internationally and suffering an accident or a sickness that requires medical attention
    • A parent applying for a Super Visa to visit their family in Canada

    To learn more about these products, Contact Us.

