No-Medical Exam & Simplified Issue Insurance

Author: Webware Mock |

No Medical Exam insurance is a simplified insurance application process that provides Term Life, Permanent Life, Critical Illness, and Disability Insurance.

This process offers affordable insurance in an easy and accessible way to clients that may be hard to insure.

Disability Insurance Ottawa
  • Simple application process
  • Ideal for those who may find difficulties getting insurance due to pre-existing conditions
  • Affordable coverage
  • No medical exams or doctor’s reports required
  • Proof income not required

No-Medical Exam Insurance can be used in following instances:

  • To get insurance without undergoing medical exams
  • To offer protection to those who may have been denied insurance or offered insurance with increased premiums due pre-existing conditions
  • To build an immediate cost-effective estate

To learn more about these products, Contact Us.

