Lou Mullett

Author: Kelvin Chong - Life Insurance Brokers |

Dear Kelvin, 

I wanted to take a moment to thank you again for all your help with my financial needs. If it hadn't been for you're insight I wouldn't have the extra monies to see me through my breast cancer. No one can understand how financial worries can weigh heavily on one's mind when trying to recover from surgery and treatment. Now that I have the insurance money from the critical care insurance I can concentrate all my energy on getting better.

Looking back, I know I was hesitant to take out the policy because as most people do, I never thought I would be diagnosed with any life threatening disease let alone breast cancer. I almost forgot that I had taken the insurance out but thank you and god that I did. It had made evreything much easier for me and lifted a worry from my families mind also. It is so often when a person needs to be off work for an extended period of time that we worry about who is going to pay the bills. We end up having to go back to work to meet financial obligations instead of putting all our energy into recovering and fighting the disease.

I am feeling wonderful after surgery and though not looking forward to the radiation and chemo, I am in a much better position to go forth and conquer. I will be a survivor and all your help and advice has certainly eased the journey very much.

Again thank you for your help and for the follow up telephone calls as to my needs and continuing health. It is much appreciated and I have told numerous people you are the one to call about they're insurance needs and so they should. Cancer and other diseases can afflict anyone, as i've come to realise and I am in a much better place thanks to you.

I hope this finds you, your family and you're staff, healthy and happy in this holiday season and the best to you all for the new year,

Sincerely and with thanks, 

